This page simply records the songs sung, and the homework assigned,
at each of the Folka Voca rehearsals in 2012.
| | Jan 2012 | | | Feb 2012 | | | Mar 2012 | | | Apr 2012 | | | May 2012 | | | Jun 2012 | | |
| | Jul 2012 | | | Aug 2012 | | | Sep 2012 | | | Oct 2012 | | | Nov 2012 | | | Dec 2012 | | |
| | Welcome | | | Choir Calendar | | | Indexes of Songs | | | Page Top | | |
| | Instructions | | | Upcoming Gig(s) | | | Resources by Song | | | Rehearsals 2012 | | |
| | Member ID | | | Choir Photos | | | Rehearsal Notes | | | Homework 2012! | | |
| | Choir Admin. | | | Choir Videos | | | Musical Humour | | | Page Foot | | |
In mid November of 2011 Lee revised the status of the various songs in our
active repertoire, classifying them into the following three groups:
Current Songs,
On-the-Fence Songs and
Old Songs (that we almost never
do now).
In her words, “Here is our repertoire, in order of what we sing most, at the
the starred ones are sung at almost every gig.”
Please make sure that you have your music and cheat sheets organized accordingly for rehearsals, and use these lists as guidelines for what songs to work on between rehearsals.
( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
| | 5th of December | | | 12th of December | | | 19th of December | | | 26th of December | | |
( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
There was no rehearsal this week because it was December 26th – Boxing Day.
( December 2012 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We had a rehearsal for one hour, singing a few favourites:
We then adjourned to the Barley Mow for our Christmas party!
After the party, Lee had this to say, “Hello Fab Ones;”
“What a magical party! A big thank you to Lynnie, our own Soprano Extraordinaire and professional Organizer (Lynnie can organize ANYTHING, a house, a party, an event!). Lynnie, you are a godsend, thank you for all your hard work! The party was brilliant. And thanks too to Martha, your fabulous assistant and Soprano Extraordinaire as well.”
“I had a special life-moment myself, when everyone broke into the first song, Close Your Eyes, and I was overwhelmed with the joy of this choir and the fabulous people in it. So thanks to all of you for another amazing year of Folka Voca. I love that we are more than a choir; we are a community.”
No rehearsal next week because it is the 26th – Boxing Day.
( December 2012 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
The gig at Camilla Gardens was cancelled, so we
had a regular rehearsal
where we tackled a number of our current songs in detail:
After the main rehearsal, the Gentlemen’s Club sang
a couple of the numbers they have been practicing, to much applause.
For whatever reasons, our numbers were substantially down,
but we still managed to make all the songs work pretty well.
We were also delighted to be joined by Charlotte,
Lee’s daughter,
visiting from Vancouver with five month old baby Rio.
Next week we rehearse for an hour before going for our Christmas party.
( December 2012 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We spent this rehearsal tackling a number of our current songs in detail,
basically singing each song twice with corrective work between the run throughs:
During an extended half-time, Lee worked with each of the sections in turn
to sort out problems with Eternal Flame. After the break we sang the
complete song,
and Lee expressed herself very pleased.
Next week we will be singing some of these at Camilla Gardens.
( December 2012 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
| | 7th of November | | | 14th of November | | | 21st of November | | | 28th of November | | |
( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
This rehearsal was down in the basement of the church.
We spent the first half of the rehearsal working on our newest song,
The Water is Wide,
singing the entire song, but still needing work on the changes and the ending.
After the interval we sang through a number of our current repertoire
in the round,
in preparation for a gig at Camilla Gardens on December 12th:
This was a pretty good rehearsal, but we limited the repertoire
to four parts because there was a dearth of basses (only 3!).
( November 2012 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We spent most of the rehearsal working on our newest song,
The Water is Wide,
reaching the end of the song and succeeding in putting it all together.
For the final run through Lee swapped the positions of the sopranos and mezzos,
which was both interesting and effective.
Scores and MP3s are now available for
The Water is Wide,
so please take the time to study them at least a little bit.
At the end of the rehearsal we sang through
Eternal Flame
and Lee was very pleased, despite a handful of hiccoughs.
We ended with a go at Knowing Me, Knowing You,
which we have not sung in a while.
Everyone enjoyed this, and Lee was pleased with the result.
We were somewhat few in numbers, but had a strong rehearsal nonetheless.
( November 2012 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
Lee has produced two new songs for us: The Water Is Wide,
a traditional Scottish song from the 17th century; and a Spanish lullaby.
She gave us the choice of which to work on, and by a large majority
we chose The Water Is Wide, and worked on it for an hour.
No scores or MP3s as yet, only photocopies from Lee.
After the interval we sang through
Eternal Flame
and worked on it briefly – Lee was pleased.
We then sang through a number of our current repertoire
in preparation for a gig at Camilla Gardens on December 12th:
We then had a very large gathering at the pub, where we also sang a couple of songs.
( November 2012 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We again spent most of the rehearsal continuing to learn our latest new song,
Eternal Flame
by the Bangles.
We can now sing the song all the way through, but it is very rough in spots.
Please all spend some time with your MP3 files.
We then sang through several songs from our current repertoire:
We all left feeling good about how the rehearsal went.
( November 2012 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
| | 3rd of October | | | 10th of October | | | 17th of October | | | 24th of October | | | 31st of October | | |
( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We once again spent most of the rehearsal continuing to learn
our latest new song,
Eternal Flame
by the Bangles.
We again reached the end of the song, but are still having difficulties
making transitions between the sections, especially the bridge.
Please all spend some time with your MP3 files.
We ended the rehearsal with an enthusiastic run through of California Dreaming.
It was Halloween night, so a few members were absent, but this was compensated by those members who chose to attend in costume. Lee was scary as Angelina Jolie with a collection of multi-hued babies, and almost unrecognizable under a long black wig. Other notables were Bob and Linda Bowes as Lord Black of Cross Harbour and Barbara Amil.
We also had a good attendance afterwards at the pub, where we were asked
to sing,
and duly performed La Isla Bonita and Close Your Eyes, which were both
( October 2012 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We spent most of the rehearsal continuing to learn our latest new song,
Eternal Flame
by the Bangles.
We have now reached the end of the song, but much work still remains.
Please all spend some time with your MP3 files.
We then sang through a number of our current repertoire:
This was another pretty good rehearsal enjoyed by all.
( October 2012 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
There was no rehearsal because Lee was sick.
( October 2012 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We spent almost the entire rehearsal continuing to learn our latest new song,
Eternal Flame
by the Bangles.
We made considerable progress with the song.
We ended with a rousing performance of Mamma Mia.
An excellent rehearsal, and we again ended on a high note.
( October 2012 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
Despite what Lee said only two rehearsals ago, she produced a new song
for us,
Eternal Flame
by The Bangles, and we spent most of the rehearsal working on it.
We ended the rehearsal singing straight through three of our current songs:
The new song was hard work, but we reached the end of the first verse.
The three songs with which we ended left everyone in great spirits.
( October 2012 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
| | 5th of September | | | 12th of September | | | 19th of September | | | 26th of September | | |
( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We spent this rehearsal tackling a number of our current songs in detail:
We worked hard on details of some of these songs, a few of which we have not tackled in months. All in all, a pretty good, if intense, rehearsal.
( September 2012 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
This was a shorter than usual rehearsal because we started at 7:30 to accommodate a planning meeting for the upcoming Cuba workshops.
Lee started the rehearsal by saying that we would concentrate on making sure that we have all the current songs mastered rather than learning new songs. We will be working on the existing repertoire for the next few weeks. We then spent the rehearsal tackling a number of our current songs:
All in all, an excellent rehearsal, with plenty of energy, and good response when we needed to work on some part that was showing problems.
( September 2012 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We again sang a whole lot of our regular songs, but this time Lee started
to work hard on correcting our more notable lapses and problems:
Lee is encouraged that we kept singing without her, and that this week was better than last, but she says we definitely have some rough edges that need smoothing.
Next week’s rehearsal will start at 7:30 p.m.
( September 2012 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
Lee was back, to the delight of everyone, so we sang a whole lot of our regular songs:
All in all we sang pretty well, but it was an emotional rehearsal all round.
( September 2012 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
| | 1st of August | | | 8th of August | | | 15th of August | | | 22nd of August | | | 29th of August | | |
( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
Neil again took the rehearsal, and we spent the first half of the rehearsal
singing some of our regular songs:
After the break Neil and Lynnie again had something different for us. Neil had brought along lyrics to three songs to be sung as multi-part rounds:
Once again we all had fun, and again decided to close with a couple of our regular numbers:
We had a good turnout for this rehearsal – twenty-five.
We ended the rehearsal feeling very pleased with ourselves,
but looking forward to Lee’s return next week.
( August 2012 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
Neil again took the rehearsal, and we spent the first half of the rehearsal
singing some of our regular songs:
After the break we tried something completely different. Neil had brought along lyrics to a number of old hit songs, and suggested that we try singing them in unison. The songs were:
This was certainly different, and we all had fun, but we decided to close with a couple of our regular numbers:
We had a pretty good turnout for this rehearsal – well over twenty.
( August 2012 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
Neil took the rehearsal, and we sang through a number of our regular songs:
We ended by singing happy birthday for Charlotte, which Lynnie recorded.
The twenty or so people who attended this rehearsal are clearly some kind
of hard core,
because almost everyone was also at the pub afterwards!
( August 2012 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
With Lee’s continuing absence in Vancouver, Neil took the rehearsal, in which twenty-three choir members had a whole lot of fun. We sang in the round, and the smallish circle surprised everyone at the clarity of the sound and the ease of hearing all the parts. We sang:
At this point Neil suggested that we should sing Close Your Eyes again, but with everyone mixed up around the circle. This worked extremely well, even for one or two of the newer members who had some initial trepidation. So we stayed mixed up for the next song:
We then took an early but genuine ten minutes only break on the grounds that the pub had been told we would be arriving at 8:30. We started in again back in regular order, singing:
Neil started Papa off at much too fast a tempo but, despite some breaking up with laughter, we stuck with it and galloped all the way through to the end. This was quite an interesting experience, because it revealed the structure of the song in a way that we tend not to feel at the regular pace. Alas, nobody had thought to make a recording, because it was a hoot.
At this point there were requests from the floor and, despite their not being on the list, we sang:
Father Figure turned out to be too much for us, and although we did take it through to the end there were a number of places in which more than one part was lost or missing in action.
Ain’t No Sunshine went pretty well until near the end, when we fell apart, leaving Neil asking where all the “gone” entries had gone. We finished up with:
There had been a request for I Feel the Earth Move, but it was voted against, although we may tackle it next week.
This went extremely well, and we ended the rehearsal all feeling pretty good. At the pub, we were joined by a few other choir members.
( August 2012 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
There was no rehearsal while Lee remained in Vancouver
supporting Charlotte and baby Rio.
Instead, we had a summer get-together at Lynnie Zunder’s. Thanks, eh?
( August 2012 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
| | 4th of July | | | 11th of July | | | 18th of July | | | 25th of July | | |
( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
There was no rehearsal while Lee remained in Vancouver supporting Charlotte and baby Rio.
( July 2012 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
There was no rehearsal because Lee was in Vancouver supporting Charlotte and baby Rio.
( July 2012 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
There was no rehearsal because Lee was in Vancouver supporting Charlotte having her baby.
( July 2012 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
After reviewing details of our newest song,
I Feel the Earth Move,
we spent the rest of the rehearsal running through some of our repertoire:
Despite somewhat reduced numbers, we had a terrific rehearsal in the round.
( July 2012 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
| | 6th of June | | | 13th of June | | | 20th of June | | | 27th of June | | |
( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We spent the first half of the rehearsal working on our newest song,
I Feel the Earth Move.
We are now singing the whole song, but still need to work out several details.
We used the second half to work through a number of our current songs:
For the rest of the Summer we will be in the basement for rehearsals,
saving only July 25th, when we will be back in the sanctuary.
( June 2012 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We spent the entire rehearsal working on our newest song,
I Feel the Earth Move,
and managed to reach the end, finishing by singing the whole song.
Lee was quite delighted when we finally pulled it all together, and had this to say, “Hello Fab Ones; first, wow for last night; I Feel The Earth Move is brilliant! Well done. Possibly the toughest song so far, and you sound amazing.”
Lee has made some changes, and revised scores plus MP3s are now available.
For the rest of the Summer we will be in the basement for rehearsals,
saving only July 25th, when we will be back in the sanctuary.
( June 2012 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We again spent the first half of the rehearsal working on our newest song,
I Feel the Earth Move,
working through the bridge in detail, leaving only the end of the song to learn.
We used the second half to work through some of our current songs,
choosing songs where the guy parts are mostly combined:
Congratulations to the stout singing of Bob and Stephen, the only two basses who showed.
( June 2012 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We spent the first half of the rehearsal working on our newest song,
I Feel the Earth Move,
reaching the end of the bridge, leaving only the end of the song to learn.
We used the second half to work through a number of our current songs:
Despite the heat in the sanctuary, everyone was on – a good rehearsal.
( June 2012 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
| | 2nd of May | | | 9th of May | | | 16th of May | | | 23rd of May | | | 30th of May | | |
( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We again spent most of the time working on our newest song,
I Feel the Earth Move,
finishing the rehearsal with a run through of three others:
A good rehearsal, and our newer members all seem to be having fun.
( May 2012 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
There was no rehearsal because Lee was away.
( May 2012 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
This spring is really heating up, and Lee has come up with yet
another new song for us.
Actually, she came up with two and asked us to choose,
and we chose: I Feel the Earth Move,
by Carole King.
The other choice was Go, Lassie Go.
We spent most of the rehearsal working on the new song, finishing with a go at three others:
It is remarkable how much we all forget after skipping one rehearsal!
( May 2012 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
There was no rehearsal because the church was in use.
( May 2012 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We spent most of the rehearsal working on our latest song,
For What It’s Worth.
We did well enough to finish with two separate half-choir run-throughs.
We finished up the rehearsal with three of our regular songs:
( May 2012 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
| | 4th of April | | | 11th of April | | | 18th of April | | | 25th of April | | |
( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
Lee produced another new song for us, For What It’s Worth,
by Stephen Stills,
and we spent most of the rehearsal working on it.
Toward the end of the second half of the rehearsal we sang a couple of our regular songs:
( April 2012 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We used this rehearsal to work on numbers that we will probably sing at the concert on April 22nd:
During the intermission, the Thursday vocal harmony group worked on their songs for the concert.
After the end of the regular rehearsal, this year’s Cuba group worked on their two numbers.
( April 2012 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We used this rehearsal to work on numbers that we will probably sing at the concert on April 22nd:
During the intermission, the Thursday vocal harmony group worked on their songs for the concert.
After the end of the regular rehearsal, this year’s Cuba group worked on their two numbers.
( April 2012 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
The mezzo sectional rehearsal that was originally to have been held
after the Palisades performance was rescheduled for 6:30-7:30 p.m. today,
and the main choir rehearsal started at 7:30 p.m.
We used this rehearsal to work on numbers that we will probably sing at the concert on April 22nd:
During the intermission, the Thursday vocal harmony group worked on their songs for the concert.
After the end of the regular rehearsal, this year’s Cuba group worked on their two numbers.
( April 2012 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
| | 7th of March | | | 14th of March | | | 21st of March | | | 28th of March | | |
( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
This was to have been a performance at the Ottawa Palisades Retirement
but Lee decided to cancel it at the last minute because she was sick,
and because a
retirement residence is the last place anyone should take an infection.
Choir rules rule!
In the event, sufficient people had not seen the messages about the
and a core was hastily put together, so that a performance went ahead anyway.
No rehearsal was held.
( March 2012 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We started the rehearsal by working on our latest new song,
California Dreaming,
which we ended up singing through three times.
We spent the rest of the rehearsal working through songs for our gig on the 28th:
During the intermission, the Thursday vocal harmony group worked on their songs for the concert.
After the end of the regular rehearsal, this year’s Cuba group worked on their two numbers.
( March 2012 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
Lee has created another new song for us, California Dreaming by the Mamas and Papas, and we spent the whole rehearsal working on it. We were able to reach the end of the song, which was remarkable. Lee’s intention is that we should have it ready for our annual concert in April.
Our numbers were again significantly reduced from the usual levels.
After the end of the regular rehearsal, this year’s Cuba group
(all of them this time) sang through two of their numbers.
( March 2012 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We spent the rehearsal working on songs for our upcoming gig and annual concert.
Our numbers were severely reduced from the usual levels,
but we were pleased to welcome some new faces.
After the end of the regular rehearsal, this year’s Cuba group sang through two of their numbers.
After a considerable amount of discussion, it has been decided
to keep the date of our annual concert the same: April 22nd.
( March 2012 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
| | 1st of February | | | 8th of February | | | 15th of February | | | 22nd of February | | | 29th of February | | |
( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
No rehearsal: Lee was with the workshop group in Cuba.
( February 2012 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
No rehearsal: the church was in use for Ash Wednesday services.
( February 2012 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We spent this rehearsal working on our regular repertoire:
There will be no rehearsals for the next two weeks.
After the rehearsal, we repaired to Marty McCurdy’s, where he had
very kindly organized a party. It was much enjoyed by all who came.
( February 2012 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We had no rehearsal, instead singing a
gig at the
Lord Lansdowne Retirement Residence.
This was the set of eleven songs that we sang:
Our performance was well received, and we spent some time in conversation
with the residents.
Given the lateness of the hour, we then retired to the Barley Mow.
( February 2012 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We started the rehearsal by working on
Ain’t No Sunshine, which we
sang twice,
working on some details between run-throughs.
We then split the choir in half, and each half sang the song again.
For the rest of the rehearsal we ran through a number of our
in preparation for the gig coming up
next week (February 8th):
There will be no rehearsal next week because of the late start to the gig.
After the performance we will retire immediately to the Barley Mow.
( February 2012 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
| | 4th of January | | | 11th of January | | | 18th of January | | | 25th of January | | |
( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We started the rehearsal by working on
Crystal, which we
sang twice,
working on some details between run-throughs.
We then worked on
Father Figure
through to the break, again running through the song twice
and working on details between the takes.
Lee strongly recommends working with the MP3s for both these songs.
We spent the second half of the rehearsal running through some of our
in preparation for the gig coming up
in the second week of February:
We were again happy to welcome more new faces.
( January 2012 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We started the rehearsal by working on
Father Figure,
which we sang through twice.
After the first run through we split the choir into
halves, and each half sang the song through while the other half listened. This is
an excellent way to learn which bits you need to work on.
We spent the rest of the rehearsal working on some of our repertoire preparing for the gig coming up in the second week of February:
Lee is promising revised scores and MP3s for Crystal, so keep an eye on the website.
We were again delighted to welcome some new faces.
( January 2012 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We started the first half of the rehearsal by working on Father Figure, which we sang through twice. The first run through was somewhat shaky, but the second time through went very much better.
We then worked on Houdini’s Box for the rest of the first half, again singing through it twice in all. Lee suggests that you look at the Jill Sobule performance on YouTube to understand the entire song. There are MP3s as well.
In the second half of the rehearsal we sang through:
This was an excellent rehearsal with a good turnout,
and Lee thought that we were on fire through the second half.
( January 2012 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We started the new year with quite a good turnout, but turned out to be extremely rusty after several weeks without rehearsing! We welcomed some new faces, all of whom were slightly startled by the pace of events, but who seemed to adjust quickly with the help of voices around them.
In the first half of the rehearsal we worked on:
In the second half of the rehearsal we sang:
By the end of the rehearsal we were back in the groove and happy to retreat to the pub.
( January 2012 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
| | Welcome | | | Choir Calendar | | | Indexes of Songs | | | Page Top | | |
| | Instructions | | | Upcoming Gig(s) | | | Resources by Song | | | Rehearsals 2012 | | |
| | Member ID | | | Choir Photos | | | Rehearsal Notes | | | Homework 2012! | | |
| | Choir Admin. | | | Choir Videos | | | Musical Humour | | | | |
![]() |
Maintained by: | Robert Stanley. |
Last Updated: | 6th of January, 2013. | |
© 2010 – 2013 The Starving Artist’s Garratt |