Skip all the fluff, take me straight to the master
for all the song resources,
or let me start browsing the
song resources
from the top of the list.
( Note:
You will be required to enter your Member ID and
to access or download some of these resources –
we are doing this
to protect Lee’s arrangements from theft.)
Heck, just show me the site navigation.
| | Welcome | | | Instructions | | | Song Indexes | | | Calendar | | | Breaking News | | |
| | When in Doubt ... | | | Membership | | | Song Resources | | | Gigs | | | Rehearsal Diary | | |
| | Lee’s Hand Signals | | | Grids of Songs Sung (PDF): 2013; 2014; 2015; 2016; 2017; 2018; 2019; 2020. | | |
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Lee has created another new song arrangement for us:
When the Party’s Over
by Billie Eilish.
Scores and MP3 files are now available, so please make sure you have your book up to date.
Alto extraordinaire Susan Kaye has been on a roll again,
and has produced
Alto-1 cheat sheets for Time After Time (2018)
and Wild World.
A Comment about e-mail.
We are a choir that uses e-mail for all important communications.
(Yes, the web site does usually present the same information,
but of necessity, it is behind e-mail in delivering critical items.)
We know that some of you are not “always on” electronically;
if you fall into this category, consider pairing up with an e-mail buddy:
someone who does read e-mail regularly, and who can telephone you in a
timely fashion with anything important that is communicated to the choir.
The 5 Rules of Good Choir Behaviour.
This is an opportune moment to remind everyone of our now five main rules:
1. Avoid scents completely;
2. Stay home if you are sick;
3. Leave wet footwear in the cloakroom;
4. If you move anything, put it back after the rehearsal; and
5. Inform Lee Hayes
or Bruce McNeely
by e-mail if you leave the choir,
or are going to take a break exceeding 4 weeks.
(Alternatively, you can write a note on the rehearsal sign-up sheet.)
Here is Lee’s chart of vowels for everyone to practice.
A reminder that we are guests in the church, and we should leave it as
we find it.
If you move anything at all, you are responsible for putting it back
exactly where it was.
For those of you sometimes feeling a little overwhelmed by all
the songs in our repertoire, Please read Lee’s
rehearsal manifesto.
Active songs are clearly marked A in the Index of Current Songs.
These are the songs for which you should bring scores to every rehearsal,
and on which you should focus your attention when studying with the MP3 files at home.
Lee has offered the following advice:
“A NOTE ON STUDYING YOUR MP3s; recently I sat with a new member and went over
a couple of the MP3s with her; I discovered what it can be like for you if you are
new and learning a part pretty much on your own. This is what I suggest;”
“Don’t sing along right away; you’ll miss timing and notes.”
“Don’t listen to the entire MP3 at once; go over and over a section and
move on when you have it.”
If there’s a part you just can’t get, corner me at choir!”
Lee says,
“always remember to bring a
to rehearsals.”
You need one to make notes on your scores.
If you have any problems with or comments about the
web site, there is an e-mail link
at the
of every page that you can use to send e-mail to the site administrator(s).
Just click on the name that follows the “Maintained By:” text.
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“When in danger or in doubt, run in circles; scream and shout!”
Oops, wrong mantra!
When in doubt, always remember that your first and last recourse
is to e-mail your fearless leader, the fabulous
Lee Hayes.
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Welcome to the Lee Hayes Vox member resource pages, which we hope will provide you with access to everything you need to enjoy singing with the choir and practicing on your own or with friends.
“What will you find here?”
Mainly we have music, lyrics, c-sheets (ideally one-page performance cribs), and MP3 sound files for each of the songs in the Lee Hayes Vox repertoire. These can be located via the handy-dandy indexes to all the songs. Alternatively, you can browse the song resources in the order in which the choir first learnt them. For descriptions of the different types of resources, and how to make use of them via your computer, please see the instructions page.
We also have a choir calendar, which hopefully will always be reasonably up to date. The two main types of entries in the calendar are upcoming events and any changes to the regular rehearsal schedule.
The regular rehearsal schedule is every Wednesday evening from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at St. Luke’s Church, at 760 Somerset Street West, on the south side just west of Bronson Avenue. After rehearsals, those who feel so inclined pop round the corner to join our beloved leader for a cocktail hour at the Shanghai restaurant at 651 Somerset Street West.
Here are maps for locating the church and the pub: map for the church, and for the restaurant.
When there is a gig on the horizon, we'll also post a list of the songs that we will be rehearsing for the gig, together with any directions, timing, dress, and other needful information related to the gig.
Finally, if there is anything about which you are unsure, the ultimate source of all knowledge and wisdom remains your fearless leader, the fabulous Lee Hayes.
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You can only be a member of Lee Hayes Vox if Lee says so, which can only happen by your asking her. She will spend a few minutes with you to see which part you should sing, and she will make sure that you understand the commitment that it will be necessary for you to make to sing with the choir. She will confirm your membership by sending you an e-mail that includes the keys to finding this web site, and to unlocking the resources specific to your voice section.
Your primary obligation is to attend at least 75% of the rehearsals, which are from 7 to 9 every Wednesday evening, unless notified otherwise. If you miss too many rehearsals you will start to hold back the rest of the choir and Lee may ask you to review your willingness to be a member. You should always inform Lee in advance if you know that you are going to miss a rehearsal, and if you do miss one without prior notice, it is polite to inform her after the fact so that she doesn’t simply write you off as an absentee.
The choir is completely run by the fabulous Lee Hayes, for which a semi-annual fee is payable. Payment is directly to Lee, and she maintains a business-like list, which means that she will be on your case if you “forget” to pay your dues.
If you can no longer honour your commitment or wish to leave for any reason at all, simply contact Lee to let her know.
Above all, the choir exists to make music and enjoy ourselves while we do so in the company of like-minded companions.
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| | Welcome | | | Choir Calendar | | | Indexes of Songs | | | Page Top | | |
| | Instructions | | | Upcoming Gig(s) | | | Resources by Song | | | Membership | | |
| | Member ID | | | Choir Photos | | | Rehearsal Notes | | | Breaking News | | |
| | Choir Admin. | | | Choir Videos | | | Musical Humour | | | | |
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Maintained by: | Robert Stanley. |
Last Updated: | 18th of March, 2020. | |
© 2009 – 2020 The Starving Artist’s Garratt |