This page simply records the songs sung, and the homework assigned,
at each of the Folka Voca rehearsals in 2011.
| | Jan 2011 | | | Feb 2011 | | | Mar 2011 | | | Apr 2011 | | | May 2011 | | | Jun 2011 | | |
| | Jul 2011 | | | Aug 2011 | | | Sep 2011 | | | Oct 2011 | | | Nov 2011 | | | Dec 2011 | | |
| | Welcome | | | Choir Calendar | | | Indexes of Songs | | | Page Top | | |
| | Instructions | | | Upcoming Gig(s) | | | Resources by Song | | | Rehearsals 2011 | | |
| | Member ID | | | Choir Photos | | | Rehearsal Notes | | | Homework 2011 | | |
| | Choir Admin. | | | Choir Videos | | | Musical Humour | | | Page Foot | | |
In mid November of 2011 Lee revised the status of the various songs in our
active repertoire, classifying them into the following three groups:
Current Songs,
On-the-Fence Songs and
Old Songs (that we almost never
do now).
In her words, “Here is our repertoire, in order of what we sing most, at the
the starred ones are sung at almost every gig.”
Please make sure that you have your music and cheat sheets organized accordingly for rehearsals, and use these lists as guidelines for what songs to work on between rehearsals.
( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
| | 7th of December | | | 14th of December | | | 21st of December | | | 28th of December | | |
( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
There was no rehearsal this week, Lee was in Cuba.
( December 2011 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
Because of truly appalling weather (heavy freezing rain) and other
the rehearsal was cancelled and we started the Christmas party early.
Much fun appeared to be had by all, and when the lights failed just as teams were wrapping up their answers to the quiz it is unclear just how sad most of us were. Instead we sang some of our songs with our eyes on an illuminated (by a bright little table lamp) Lee, and Lynnie satisfied our collective curiosity by telling us all the answers to the quiz.
The lights came on again after somewhat more than an hour, just in time for people to start the perilous journey home in the unabated freezing rain.
( December 2011 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We did not have a rehearsal at all, instead singing
our regular
Christmas carol concert
at Camilla Gardens.
We started with the following short set of our own songs:
We then sang all the Christmas music in the new lyrics book and members of the choir settled in beside individual seniors to help them sing along.
Lee had this to say after the event: “Hello Fab Ones; Thanks so much for last night; it was fabulous! One woman (I think it was Erik/Santa’s girlfriend) told me that it was the best show they’d had all year! I think we should go back and do another in the spring.”
“And thanks to those non-religious and/or non-christian singers for your tolerance; some of those verses are pretty intense. The first year we did this gig there was one verse (subsequently cut from the repertoire) which went on and on about the flesh of Jesus, yikes! I barely got through that one. And what happened in O Holy Night? Is there a part in the chorus we all forgot at the same time? I got hysterical and had to hide my face...”
“Murray, Bass Extraordinaire, what a treasure are your piano
Wow, I didn’t want you to stop...
I hope you realize that now that we all know your secret,
we’ll be asking you to play all the time.”
After the gig we went directly to the Barley Mow.
( December 2011 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We spent the first half of the rehearsal working on
the completed
arrangement of our latest new song: Father Figure.
We sang through the song once, spent time working on difficult passages for each part
and then sang the song through again, performing creditably.
You are urged to study with the MP3 files.
In the second half of the rehearsal we worked through a number of songs
in preparation for our Christmas gig
at Camilla Gardens next week:
( December 2011 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
| | 2nd of November | | | 9th of November | | | 16th of November | | | 23rd of November | | | 30th of November | | |
( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We spent the entire rehearsal continuing to work on
the completed
arrangement of our latest new song: Father Figure.
We have now learned the entire song, although work is still needed
to make it
performance worthy. You are urged to study with the MP3 files.
( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
The first half of the rehearsal was a
gig in New Edinburgh, where the acoustics
were dreadful,
but despite which the audience thoroughly enjoyed the performance,
perhaps because they
had glasses of wine to hand! This is the set we sang:
Lee points out that when the acoustics are bad to the point where we cannot hear the other parts, it becomes vitally important to keep watching her for cues and signals.
We were comfortably back at the church by 8 p.m. and had a full second half
of the rehearsal.
We first spent a little while reviewing the worst of the disasters
from the performance:
The rest of the rehearsal we spent working on Father Figure, finally running through from start to finish, but we have yet to learn the ending of the song. Most of it is coming together really well.
( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We spent the first half of the rehearsal continuing to work on
the completed
arrangement of our latest new song: Father Figure.
We have now made it through the transitions into the end section of the song.
In the second half of the rehearsal we sang through songs
that we will be singing at next Wednesday’s gig:
Lee says to study the MP3s to be confident for next week.
Watch the web site for details of next Wednesday’s gig.
( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
In the first half of the rehearsal we sang through the five songs that are
candidates for our Sunday performance at the Mayfair:
Lee decided that the two we will perform are Close Your Eyes and La Isla Bonita.
We spent most of the second half of the rehearsal working on
the completed
arrangement of our latest new song: Father Figure.
We need to study the MP3s, especially the bar 88 to bar 89 transition.
We ended by singing through the two songs selected for Sunday’s performance:
( November 2011 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We spent the first half of the rehearsal working on
the completed
arrangement of our latest new song: Father Figure.
In the second half of the rehearsal we sang through:
We ran out of time to sing more. Study of MP3s required!
( November 2011 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
| | 5th of October | | | 12th of October | | | 19th of October | | | 26th of October | | |
( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We spent the first half of the rehearsal working on
the first half of our
latest new song: Father Figure.
Lee promises to finish the arrangement by next week.
In the second half of the rehearsal we sang through:
The announcement of Close Your Eyes triggered a spontaneous rendition of the Beatles’ song.
At the request of one Eric, we sang a belated happy fortieth birthday for the other Eric!
( October 2011 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
Lee has come up with the start of another new song for us,
Father Figure by George Michael,
and we spent the whole
rehearsal working on the intro, first verse, and chorus.
Scores and MP3 files will come once Lee has finished the arrangement.
( October 2011 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We did not have a rehearsal, instead we performed at the Rockliffe
Retirement Residence,
starting rather later than we usually do. We sang:
We sang well to an appreciative audience.
After the performance we adjourned to the Barley Mow.
( October 2011 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We spent the rehearsal working trough the songs for next week’s gig:
Reminder that next week is a gig, and we will be going to the pub immediately thereafter.
( October 2011 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
| | 7th of September | | | 14th of September | | | 21st of September | | | 28th of September | | |
( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We spent the first half of the rehearsal tackling:
After the break we sang through several of our current songs:
We again saw a number of new faces, which is great.
( September 2011 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We spent the first half of the rehearsal working in detail on:
After the break we tackled some of our other current songs:
We ran out of time as we worked on the details of these songs.
( September 2011 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We spent the first half of the rehearsal working hard on:
After the break we sang through a number of our current songs:
( September 2011 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We again spent the first half working on our newest song, This Land Is Your Land.
After the break we sang a set of songs that Charlotte chose, because this was her last rehearsal before departing to start her new life in Vancouver:
We had a pretty good turnout, and it was good to welcome some new faces.
After the end of the official rehearsal, the vocal harmony group sang a couple of songs for Charlotte: Last Dance, and Billy Jean Is Not My Lover.
Finally, Lee sat down at the piano to play and sing Circus
Girl, accompanied by choir members still present, and then she and Charlotte
finished with a performance of Siamese Girl.
Many goodbye hugs were exchanged at the last – we’ll miss you Char!
( September 2011 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
| | 3rd of August | | | 10th of August | | | 17th of August | | | 24th of August | | | 31st of August | | |
( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
This was our last rehearsal in the basement of the church for this year,
next week we will be back upstairs in the sanctuary.
We spent the first half working on our newest song, This Land Is Your Land.
After the break we tackled a goodly number of our current songs:
We had an excellent turnout, and it was good to welcome some new faces.
( August 2011 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We were back in the basement of the church for this rehearsal, most of which was spent working on our newest song This Land Is Your Land, primarily to be ready to help out with the Ottawa Folk Festival choral singing workshop at the end of the week.
Lee had brought the scores for her arrangement which needed photocopying,
and this took some time. While waiting for the scores to arrive we worked on
Close Your Eyes and
You’re All I Need (to Get By).
Not a very large turnout, but sufficient to cover all the parts.
Next week’s rehearsal will be the last tin the basement before we resume rehearsing in the sanctuary with the start of the new “term”.
( August 2011 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
This was an outdoor rehearsal at Westboro Beach, and we had a fine turnout. The weather was terrific, with a light breeze to refresh us and keep the mosquitoes away.
We started off by being fools on the hill sitting up on a grassy bank,
and singing first Time After Time then
La Isla Bonita.
A small audience gathered and appreciated our performance.
We then arranged ourselves under the Britannia Parkway bridge to take
advantage of the acoustics, where Lee proceeded to teach us a new song from scratch
and without music.
This was This Land Is Our Land in an arrangement that Lee wants
to use for the pick-up choir at the
Ottawa Folk Festival.
She is hoping that many of us will be at the festival to help out,
with the benefit of the evening’s practice under our belts.
By the end of the hour we had managed to get the song pretty much together.
Part way through the hour we paused to enjoy the extraordinary light on the water.
We finished up under the bridge singing Papa Was A Rolling Stone,
and ending
with Calling All Angels.
We sang both from memory because of the encroaching darkness,
and by the end it
was almost too dark to see Lee’s arms. However, we attracted a modest
audience, who were enthusiastic in their reception of our performance.
It then being too dark to see, we adjourned to the beach hostelry.
( August 2011 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We were downstairs again for this rehearsal.
Once again we spent the first half of the rehearsal working on
Close Your Eyes, by James Taylor.
We finally mastered the entire song, both the ending and the troublesome spots.
We spent the second half working through several of our current favourites:
We sang the last three songs with everyone mixed up, so that we were each of us either alone or with no more than one fellow section member beside us. As always, this was an educational exercise, on the one hand revealing very clearly how the parts fit together, and on the other just how confident we individually are of our parts!
We had a slightly larger turnout turnout than for the previous week,
although only six men
(3 basses and 3 tenors), and we had an enjoyable time of it.
( August 2011 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We were downstairs again for this rehearsal.
We again spent the first half of the rehearsal working on
Close Your Eyes, by James Taylor.
We recapitulated the work of the two previous rehearsals, and came to grips with all
but the outro.
We spent the second half working through four of our current favourites:
We stopped to address details on each song, and in consequence ran out
of time,
so we ended up skipping Ain’t No Sunshine.
We had a distinctly reduced turnout (21 women and 7 men),
which didn’t prevent us having a great time and performing well.
( August 2011 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
| | 6th of July | | | 13th of July | | | 20th of July | | | 27th of July | | |
( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We were downstairs again for this rehearsal.
We spent the entire first half of the rehearsal working on
Close Your Eyes, by James Taylor.
We recapitulated the work we started last week, and then added the second verse.
We spent the second half on several of our current favourites:
We had another reasonably good turnout, although we did start very late,
and just two stalwart baritones held their part up manfully and successfully.
( July 2011 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We rehearsed upstairs in the heat because downstairs was in use.
Lee has produced another new song for us:
Close Your Eyes, by James Taylor.
We spent most of the rehearsal working on it, learning the first verse and the chorus.
We ended the rehearsal with a couple of our current favourites:
We had another pretty decent turnout.
( July 2011 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We rehearsed downstairs, again in regular choir formation throughout.
We spent the entire rehearsal working through favourites:
We had another excellent turnout.
( July 2011 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We rehearsed downstairs in regular choir formation throughout.
We spent the entire rehearsal working through favourites:
( July 2011 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
| | 1st of June | | | 8th of June | | | 15th of June | | | 22nd of June | | | 29th of June | | |
( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
For the rest of the summer we will be rehearsing downstairs in the
where it is substantially cooler than in the sanctuary.
We started this rehearsal by continuing to work on
If You Could Read My Mind.
We worked through it twice, standing in our circular formation.
The most recent scores and MP3 files are on the website.
We then sang You’re All I Need (to Get By)
first standing in our circular formation, then switching to our regular formation.
After the break we started working from scratch on another one of our old
favourites, Helpless.
We worked on this without music, learning the parts as we went along.
Lee says that she will provide scores for this at some point; there are no MP3 files.
We ended the rehearsal with a run through of two of our current favourites:
( June 2011 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
As Lee said we would over the summer, at this rehearsal we started to work from scratch on one of our old favourites, If You Could Read My Mind. Lee has produced a new version of the scores (musically identical, but much tidier and with larger words), which will be up on the website soon.
We spent almost the entire rehearsal working phrase by phrase through the song, and some of the old hands discovered that what they were singing automatically was not what is in the parts...
Having pretty much mastered the song, we ended the rehearsal
with a run through of three of our current favourites:
We had an excellent turnout for this first rehearsal of summer.
( June 2011 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
In the first part of the rehearsal we worked on You’re All I Need (to Get By), which we sang twice to clean up the details, and then split into two half choirs which each sang the song. We seem finally to be on top of this one.
Before the break we then sang Time After Time and Papa Was A Rolling Stone.
Nearing the end of the break a spontaneous flash mob formed, singing Drive My Car and then Knowing Me, Knowing You, at which point the entire choir had reassembled, and Lee decided that we would continue in this spontaneous format for the rest of the rehearsal. We sang through:
This was an extremely interesting exercise, as many people discovered just how much they could sing from memory.
( June 2011 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We had a slightly shorter than usual rehearsal for various reasons.
In the first part of the rehearsal we worked on You’re All I Need (to Get By), which we sang twice, and then on Ain’t No Sunshine, which we revised before singing through.
After the break we sang Fields of Gold twice, Crystal twice, and finished with Time After Time.
Lee reminds everyone that if you miss a number of rehearsal through the summer, you need to check these rehearsal notes to see what you missed, and then do some serious homework to make sure that you are back in the groove.
( June 2011 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We sang downstairs because of the heat, which is always interesting.
We spent the entire first half working on
You’re All I Need (to Get By),
which we
ended up singing three times, achieving a real performance by the last time
After the break we worked on Fields of Gold, with the mezzos having
a sectional rehearsal first, followed by a small session with just the tenors.
After that we worked on La Isla Bonita, and ended with a run
through of Drive My Car.
( June 2011 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
| | 4th of May | | | 11th of May | | | 18th of May | | | 25th of May | | |
( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We spent the entire first half of the rehearsal working
You’re All I Need.
Although not perfect, we are finally able to sing it all the way through.
For the second half of the rehearsal we formed two choirs by splitting each section in half, and then each choir sang the same three songs while the others listened. The three songs were:
This is always an interesting exercise that shows up issues in a way that no other form of rehearsing seems to.
Next week, immediately after the interval, the mezzos will work on their own on Fields of Gold, then the tenors will do the same on La Isla Bonita, to address specific issues.
There is a possibility that we will be performing at the Ottawa Folk Festival (August 25th to 28th), but the festival is under new management and it remains to be seen whether we will be included.
( May 2011 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
The first half of the rehearsal was a gig at the Landmark Court retirement community.
At the gig we we sang:
We returned to the church for the second half of the rehearsal,
which we spent working on You’re All I Need (to Get By);
we are getting close, but are still having trouble with the ending.
We finished at 9:00 p.m. and retired to the pub.
( May 2011 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We spent the rehearsal working through all the songs
that are candidates for the concert on Sunday.
In the first half we sang:
We experimented with a new formation (guys at the back) for
Time After Time
but decided that it wouldn’t work for Sunday.
In the second half we sang:
( May 2011 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We spent the entire first half of the rehearsal working on
You’re All I Need (to Get By);
We have now mastered all but the ending, which is still rocky.
We spent the second half working through material for our upcoming concert:
Lee implored us to do some serious homework with the MP3 files
and also learning words wherever we are having difficulty with them.
( May 2011 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
| | 6th of April | | | 13th of April | | | 20th of April | | | 27th of April | | |
( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We spent the entire first half of the rehearsal working on
You’re All I Need (to Get By);
We reached the end of the song and can now sort of sing the whole of it.
We spent the second half working through material for our upcoming concert:
We were somewhat reduced in numbers because of an ongoing project that
involved some of the choir members.
It was also interesting to note that, asked whether our last song of the evening
should be Papa or Isla, the majority of the choir
opted for Isla.
Lee has now provided a list of songs that we will be working on for our
annual concert.
We will sing all of these next week, and she will decide which one(s) to drop.
( April 2011 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
Your scribe was sick and did not attend the rehearsal, to avoid sharing his germs with everyone. Many thanks to whomever acted as recorder.
As promised, Lee did make MP3s and revised scores for
You’re All I Need (to Get By)
available before the rehearsal.
This rehearsal was used to work through material for our upcoming concert:
( April 2011 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We spent the first half of the rehearsal working on our latest new song:
You’re All I Need (to Get By).
Lee thinks that if we continue at this pace we will be able to sing it at our concert.
Lee has promised to make the MP3s and revised scores for this song
available before the next rehearsal.
In the second half of the rehearsal we sand through a number of our songs
in preparation for the upcoming concert:
After the end of the rehearsal, Los Cubanos had a rehearsal of their two songs.
( April 2011 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
Lee produced another new song for us:
You’re All I Need (to Get By),
and we spent just about the entire rehearsal working on it.
Lee has promised to make some MP3s for this song, and they will be posted,
together with the scores, when Lee has them all completed.
At the very end of the rehearsal, we sang through Mamma Mia.
After the end of the rehearsal, Los Cubanos had an extended rehearsal of their two songs.
( April 2011 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
| | 2nd of March | | | 9th of March | | | 16th of March | | | 23rd of March | | | 30th of March | | |
( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We started the evening singing a gig at the Colonel By Retirement Residence,
singing the following songs:
After the performance, Lee said that we seemed to have sung full throttle throughout the performance. She went on to say that even if the acoustics are poor at a venue, making it difficult to hear some or all of the other parts, it is important to sing the dynamics that we have rehearsed. Nonetheless, the performance appeared to have been much enjoyed by the residents who attended.
We then returned to the church for the rest of the evening, where we revived
Fields of Gold,
working steadily at it until we were able to sing it all the way through.
We then ended the evening with a run through of Mamma Mia before retiring to the pub.
The Cuba group stayed behind to work on their two songs for May 15th.
( March 2011 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We had a good turnout, and spent the rehearsal working through many of
our repertoire,
in preparation for next week’s
at the Colonel By Retirement Residence.
In the first half of the rehearsal we worked through:
After the break we sang:
Reminder, next week we will be singing a gig at
Colonel By Retirement Residence,
which is on Aylmer Avenue, just up Grosvenor Avenue from the church.
Park as usual and walk.
( March 2011 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We had a good turnout, and spent the rehearsal working through some of
our repertoire,
looking forward to our annual concert that will be on the evening
of Sunday May 15th
(at the Sunnyside Wesleyan church).
Lee writes, “Hi Fab Ones; wow, you really blew me away last night.
So good! Makes me happy. Yay!”
In the first half of the rehearsal we worked on:
After the break we sang:
For next week you will need music for I Wear My Sunglasses At Night
and Millbrook,
neither of which we have sung for a while.
As we work toward the May 15th concert, Lee has revised the
status of the songs
that are in, out, or on the fence with respect to our
Please spend some time with the homework section to make sure that you
the music for each of the songs we are likely to be singing in the weeks to
( March 2011 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
Because March 9th was Ash Wednesday, the church was in use, so there was no rehearsal. We had planned to sing a gig at the Rockliffe Retirement Residence, but this was cancelled at the last minute because of an outbreak of a respiratory infection at the residence.
Despite the rapidly deteriorating weather, a fair number of the choir gathered at the Barley Mow for a convivial replacement evening.
( March 2011 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We had a good turnout, and spent the rehearsal working through a large
selection of our songs in preparation for next week’s gig.
In the first half of the rehearsal we sang:
After the break we sang:
Lee will be issuing a song list for next Wednesday’s performance.
We will not be singing Tainted Love. We also need to revisit Sisters
of Mercy.
After the rehearsal, the Cuba gang serenaded us with two works they had
during their week in the sun: Donde estas Yolanda, and Coco
( March 2011 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
| | 2nd of February | | | 9th of February | | | 16th of February | | | 23rd of February | | |
( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
There was no rehearsal this week because Lee and a bunch
of the choir members were in Cuba for a singing workshop.
( February 2011 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We had another large turnout, and spent the rehearsal working through a large selection of our songs in preparation for an upcoming gig, and simply to have fun, which we did.
In the first half of the rehearsal we sang:
After the break we sang:
There will be no rehearsal next week, February 23rd because Lee and a bunch of the choir members will be at a singing workshop in Cuba!
( February 2011 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We had a large turnout, including a number of relative novices, necessitating some shuffling to ensure that everyone new was close to a strong singer.
We spent the first half of the rehearsal working first on Sisters of Mercy, and then on Tainted Love.
Note: There are
even newer new scores for
Sisters of Mercy as of Thursday
February 3rd
because Lee found some additional errors in the second new
Please download the newest new version
and print again
to ensure that you really do have the latest version!
The title includes the words “absolutely the latest”,
so do please check yours.
In the interval, Lee’s quartet sang for a videotape record,
and you can see the results on
We spent the second half of the rehearsal singing four of our songs:
( February 2011 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We again spent the first half of the rehearsal working on
Sisters of Mercy,
for which Lee has again produced new scores.
Note: since the rehearsal, there is an
even newer new version, so please
and print again to ensure that you really do have the latest version!
We started the second half of the rehearsal by singing
Sisters of Mercy again,
then worked through three of our songs:
Despite the bad weather, we had a fair turnout at the rehearsal.
( February 2011 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
| | 5th of January | | | 12th of January | | | 19th of January | | | 26th of January | | |
( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We spent the first half of the rehearsal working on
Sisters of Mercy,
for which Lee has produced new scores.
Note: since the rehearsal, there is a
newer new version, so please download
and print again to ensure that you really do have the latest version!
We spent the second half of the rehearsal working through a number of songs:
We sang everything on stage in our usual sections, concentrating on making sure that the newer members were standing where they could benefit most from the experienced members.
( January 2011 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
We spent the rehearsal working steadily on a number of songs:
Singing a song with everyone mixed up on stage turns out to be a pretty exhilarating experience, despite the stress of singing alone. Lee thinks we may do this some more, at least when most people are comfortable with the song.
( January 2011 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
Lee was away (in the Caribbean) so Charlotte took the rehearsal, which
had a large turnout,
including several newcomers, and where everyone seemed
to have fun.
We started with a warm up of Knowing Me, Knowing You
sung in the pews,
before going on stage to work through:
After the break we started with Mamma Mia, again sung in the pews,
before going on stage and working through:
Everyone is encouraged to visit the homework 2011 section and make sure that they have printed copies of the music for all the songs listed, because these are the ones on which we will most probably be working for the next while.
( January 2011 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
For the first rehearsal of the new year, we spent the first half working on our newest song: Tainted Love. For some of the choir this was their first look at the song, but enough members had seen it already to make the rehearsal go well.
We spent the second half of the rehearsal revisiting a few of our regular
thinking about our annual concert down the road:
Everyone is encouraged to visit the homework 2011 section and make sure that they have printed copies of the music for all the songs listed, because these are the ones on which we will most probably be working for the next while.
( January 2011 ) ( months ) ( site-nav ) ( page-top ) ( page-foot )
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Maintained by: | Robert Stanley. |
Last Updated: | 29th of December, 2011. | |
© 2010 – 2011 The Starving Artist’s Garratt |