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Starting in the spring of 2009, it was decided that every six weeks or so we would replace the regular rehearsal with a performance rehearsal at a worthy venue such as an assisted living facility. Because these performance rehearsals will be at the regular rehearsal time on the regular rehearsal day, we hope to have an effectively full turnout.
Julie Fletcher kindly agreed to undertake the task of organizing these gigs. If you have any ideas for a possible booking, please feel free to contact Julie. When you do, please provide her with a name and a telephone number for the appropriate contact person, as well as the identity and address of the possible venue.
Note: it has to be the regular rehearsal timing, or reasonably close to it – starting at 7 p.m. if possible. Also, although we will perform for free if push comes to shove, we would much prefer that the venue contribute a small honorarium from their entertainment budget. The choir does not make a profit, and all monies go to defraying the expenses that the Ottawa Folklore Centre incurs to keep us going. If the event is a fundraiser, we always require an honorarium.
Wednesday June 24th, 2009 at 6:30 p.m.
(confirmed) – Rehearsal Performance
at St. Patrick’s Home, 2865 Riverside Drive.
Note: this is a rescheduling of the June 10th gig.
Wednesday September 2nd, 2009 at 6:30 p.m.
(confirmed) – Rehearsal Performance
at Central Park Lodge 2, 2374 Carling Avenue
(Carling and Edgeworth, just west of Woodroffe).
Saturday October 17th, 2009 at 7:00 p.m.
(did NOT happen) –
Event Appearance
at City Hall, down town, in aid of Child Haven International.
Wednesday October 21st, 2009 at 6:30 p.m.
(confirmed) – Rehearsal Performance
at Elisabeth Bruyère Centre, 43 Bruyère Street.
Saturday November 21st, 2009
we will be
singing at the GCTC at noon
to kick off the Wellington West Wassail.
Wednesday November 25th, 2009
at 6:45 p.m. (confirmed)
we will be singing a
gig at the Hillel Lodge,
10 Nadolny Sachs Private, near Carling and Broadview.
Note: this gig is still on
as originally announced.
Monday December 14th or
Monday December 21st, 2009
at either 7:30 a.m. or 8:20 a.m. (to be decided) we will be singing
gig on the A-Morning show,
at the A-Channel studios in the Byward Market.
(Did NOT happen.)
Wednesday December 16th, 2009 we will be singing
Christmas Carols
at the Camilla Gardens retirement home.
Wednesday December 16th, 2009
after singing carols at Camilla Gardens
we will return to the Barley Mow for our
Christmas Party.
The food cost is $10, but if you wish to attend and NOT eat any of
the munchies, you may.
However, eating or not, everyone needs to tell
Lynnie Zunder
if they are coming,
so that she can let the Barley Mow know the numbers.
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Wednesday June 24th
at St. Patrick’s Home, 2865 Riverside Drive.
Arrive by 6:30 at the latest to warm up; performance from 6:45 to 7:30-ish.
Note: this is a rescheduling of the June 10th gig.
Performance is in the library: go in the main entrance and to the right
to find the library.
Our “stage” is in front of the TV.
Dress is casual, i.e. does not have to be regular choir performance
but should be modest, meaning no shorts. (You know who you are!)
Here’s a Google map to St. Pats.
This is the final programme of songs in the order that we will sing them:
Lee’s final words for us before the gig are:
“Please study your mp3s!!! And we’ll return to the church for the
second half of practice.”
“July 1st: no choir. I’ll be busy having margs on the deck!”
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Wednesday September 2nd at Central Park
Lodge 2, 2374 Carling Avenue
(Carling and Edgeworth, just west of Woodroffe.)
Arrive by 6:30 at the latest to warm up; performance from 6:45 to 7:30-ish.
The lodge consists of two buildings (1 and 2). We’re in Building 1, the one on the left (closest to Edgeworth) as you look at them. There’s lots of parking in front on the Carling side, and also at the side on Edgeworth.
Here is a link to the lodge’s web site, which includes both a map to the lodge and a picture so that you can recognize it: Central Park Lodges.
Dress is casual, i.e. does not have to be regular choir performance outfit, but not jeans or shorts.
Here is the set list, so please have your music in order and do whatever homework you need with the MP3 files to be ready.
We’ll be heading back to the church for an hour of singing after the gig.
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Saturday October 17th at City Hall, down town,
in aid of Child Haven International.
The event begins at 7:00 p.m. and we should be done singing by 9:30-ish.
We are now NOT performing at this event.
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Wednesday October 21st at the Elisabeth Bruyère Centre, using the 43 Bruyère Street entrance.
We should arrive at 6:30, and start singing promptly at 6:45 p.m.
Unlike the other places, where they tuck their residents into bed pretty early,
the Bruyère Centre would like us to perform until 8 p.m. Lee will determine
just how long we do sing, after which we will head back to Sunnyside to rehearse
until it is time for the pub.
Using the entrance at number 43 is important in order to find your way up to the garden on the 6th floor, where we’ll be performing. They have a little room off the corner of the garden where we can warm up and, presumably, leave any baggage while we perform.
If you are driving, please ensure you leave yourself sufficient time to find a public parking spot and then walk to the venue to arrive by no later than 6:30 p.m.
Here is a Google map to the venue.
Dress is casual, i.e. does not have to be regular choir performance
but no jeans or shorts please. Also, please take a moment or two to
all the notes on performance participation.
Here is the set list for the performance. Please organize your music well before the day of the gig, and study the available MP3 files, especially Calling All Angels.
Note: the set list has been extended as of Tuesday 20th, so make sure you have this new version. Yes, the repeats of some of the songs are deliberate.
See you there, and do remember to leave enough time to find the garden
on the sixth floor,
not just the street level entrance at number 43…
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Saturday November 21st, 2009 at the Great
Canadian Thatre Company,
to kick off the Wellington West Wassail.
We will be singing for approximately half an hour,
in the lobby of the GCTC.
Here is the official
event information release.
The location is the Great Canadian Theatre Company, 1233 Wellington St W, at Holland Avenue. There is a parking lot on Holland or 2-hr parking on side streets around the theatre. We will be meeting in the theatre lobby at noon, to perform a half hour concert starting at 12:30.
Here is a Google map to the location. Please note that Google Maps has the old (Gladstone Street) address, so you need to be specific about 1233 Wellington St W at Holland.
Tunney’s Pasture is 3 blocks away, and there are bus routes along Wellington and Holland for singers to get to GCTC.
Dress is casual, i.e. does not have to be regular choir performance
outfit –
bright, solid coloured tops, dark bottoms and shoes, but no jeans
or shorts please.
Also, please take a moment or two to peruse all the notes on
performance participation.
Here is the song list for the gig, so please put your music in order in a folder you can hold comfortably. If you can, refresh yourselves with the MP3 files between now and then.
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Note: this gig is still on as originally announced.
Wednesday November 25th, 2009
at 6:45 p.m. (confirmed) we will be singing a gig
at the
Hillel Lodge,
10 Nadolny Sachs Private, near Carling and Broadview.
Arrive no later than 6:45 for a 7 p.m. start — we will be singing for 45 minutes.
We will return to Sunnyside for a shortened rehearsal after the gig.
We’ll be in the café, and they do have a room available
for us to warm up in,
as well as a coat closet.
The lodge apparently has a parking lot with plenty of room for vistors.
Even so, please leave yourself plenty of time to be parked and at the lodge by 6:45.
Here is a Google map to the venue.
Dress is casual, i.e. does not have to be regular choir performance
outfit –
bright, solid coloured tops, dark bottoms and shoes, but no jeans
or shorts please.
Also, please take a moment or two to peruse all the notes on
performance participation.
Here is the song list for the gig, so please put your music in order in a folder you can hold comfortably. If you can, refresh yourselves with the MP3 files between now and then.
For those of you who learned
Lonesome Road,
we’ll sing it for Abe after our set.
Bring your music and study your part if you can; check out
James Taylor on YouTube.
If you don’t know it, you can sit it out.
We will be returning to Sunnyside after the gig to have a shortened
rehearsal before
retiring to the pub. Make sure that you have the rest of your
music with you.
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(This gig did NOT happen.)
Monday December 14th, or Monday
December 21st (yet to be decided)
at the A-Channel studios, 87 George St. in the Byward Market.
We will either sing at 7:30 a.m. or at 8:20 a.m. (yet to be decided).
Here is a map to 87 George Street: A-Channel Studios. Parking payment will be in force before the gig is over, so plan to park in one of the parking structures if you are bringing your car.
Dress will be long-sleeved top in a bright, solid colour, and dark bottom,
with dark shoes.
Absolutely NO perfume, scent, or
cologne should be worn.
Lee has not yet decided what we will be singing.
They will be posted as soon as she decides, so check back regularly.
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Wednesday December 16th, 7 p.m. at the Camilla Gardens Retirement Residence, 1119 Bathgate Drive, Gloucester, ON K1J 9N4. Aim to be there for 7:00 p.m.
Folks, there is a seniors home in the east end, Camilla Gardens, that loves to have us perform for them. These are seniors without family; it means a lot to them that we’re coming. It’s very casual.
Parking is extremely limited, so Lee suggests as many folks as possible
car-pool over there.
If there is someone who can’t get a ride, let
Lee know
and she’ll see what she can do to make it happen.
Here is a map to the Camilla Gardens Retirement Residence: Google map ( PDF )
Dress is casual.
Here are the lyrics for the standard arrangements of the Christmas Carols that we will be singing.
Before the carols we will be singing a short set of the following songs:
After the gig we will head to the Barley Mow pub for the Christmas party.
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Wednesday December 16th, 8:30 p.m. or so after singing carols at Camilla Gardens.
You’re invited to join your fellow choir members for an evening of music, food and fun on Wednesday, December 16, 2009!
First we will meet at the Camilla Gardens Retirement Home from 7-8ish to sing our own songs and some Christmas carols with the residents and then adjourn to the Barley Mow Pub (on Bank Street) where we will enjoy good food, cocktails and laughter.
Cost to partake of the Barley Mow buffet is $10.00 (drinks are on you). If you do not wish to eat you are more than welcome to come along for cocktails (but don’t try snatching the nibblies!).
Lynnie Zunder, the event coordinator, will be collecting the Barley Mow money. Please look for her on December 9 or contact her by email at to let her know if you intend to participate (she needs to have an idea of how many to expect).
**Once again Lynnie is collecting interesting and little known facts
about each choir member to incorporate into a “choir quiz.” This game
was a huge success last year, resulting in major collaboration between choir members
and many “aha” moments. Did you know we have a former Disney World
entertainer and a Tai Chi master among us? And wait, there’s more – while
this is a great icebreaker and fun to complete just for the interesting facts
you’ll learn – there will be a prize(!) for the person(s) who gets the
highest score. Please send your innermost secrets asap
Lynnie at the e-mail
address above.
We hope you will join us in this fun-filled evening!
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Maintained by: | Robert Stanley. |
Last Updated: | 12th of January, 2010. | |
© 2009 – 2010 The Starving Artist’s Garratt |